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Tour Packages

Cultural Awareness Building Programme

This will be a 14 days in-housed training programme. You can connect this to any of the other tour packages.

$ 850
per person
14 Days
in-housed training proramme

Tour Information


Minumum Guests


Minimum Age

English, Native

Language Support

Luxury, Standard

Available Types

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Under this programme, we warmly welcome interest people to practically experience the cultural practices of Sri Lanka.

Kandiyan Dancing Academy
Kandiyan Dancer
Kandiyan Drummer and Dancer

Kandiyan Dance is a dance originated in the area called Kandy the Central hills region in Sri Lanka. But today it has been widespread to other parts of the country. Only at the end of the nineteenth century were ves dancers first invited to perform outside the precincts of the Kankariya Temple at the annual Kandy Perahara festival. Today the elaborately costumed ves dancer epitomizes Kandiyan dance.

You will be getting the chance to learn the Kandiyan Dancing (Naiyandi dance, Uddekki dance, Vannams) Kandiyan Musical instruments (Geta Bera & Thalampota) as well as Kandiyan Dancing costumes.

Cost of the package - US$ 800 (All inclusive) This will be a 14 days in-housed training proramme. You can connect this to any of the above tour packages and the cost will be changed accordingly.

The Price Includes
The Price doesn’t Include

Ready to get started?

We are a flexible company. We can change above schedule according to your requirements .So, the price of the total package is subject to change according to these changes.

We wish you a pleasant journey during your stay in Sri Lanka.

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